This is my todo list
This list include things I may do, things I'll probably never do, and most definitely things I want to do. It's a living index of my brain.
Create new blog website -
Migrate blog posts over from -
Add titles to pages -
ChatGPT Chrome Extension to make them talk to each other -
GPT Unicorn: have GPT draw unicorn every day(blog post) - [X]
(GATE) GPT Assisted Task Executor [prototype complete] - [X]
GPT Agent (gpt-agent) npm package for rigid LLM task running - GPT Agent (gpt-agent) advanced functionality
- GPT Assisted daily writing prompt with feedback
- GPT Speed Monitor
- GPT Query Complexity response speed research
- GPT Linux: have GPT control a container to achieve goal
- GPT Matrix: have GPT control multiple characters in a virtual world
- Speech-to-text-to-GPT-to-speech AI friend
- Add a guestbook because the old internet was better
- Have ESP32 run off solar power for a week, reporting metrics
- Add "last updated" to this list (automatically)
- Formatting for blog (incl. syntax highlighting + blockquotes)
- Add signature support for blog posts (see this)
Last Updated
Thursday 11th May 2023 13:15 (manually)