Adam K Dean

Posts tagged with beginners

Setup your own persistent web IRC client

Published 16 March 2020 in archive with tags tutorial , beginners , social , docker These days, Slack is all the rage, but in years gone by, whenever facing world-changing events, IRC has been the place to hangout. These days, you don't seem to hear much about it, and when you try and introduce people to it, the old and somewhat dated clients are hard to sell. Continue reading …

Simple SCSS with 11ty

Published 24 February 2020 in archive with tags webdev , design , tutorial , beginners Since migrating my blog to DEV, I've been looking at rebuilding my website as a simple signpost to my various activities on the web, and with this I've been looking into static site generators, and focusing mostly on 11ty. Continue reading …

Your job title is what you do, not who you are

Published 24 January 2020 in archive with tags career , beginners , mentalhealth I just read an interesting post, "Become a mature developer, not a senior developer" by Daniel Irvine in which he encourages you to become a mature developer, not a senior developer. Continue reading …

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