Posts in archive
10 Tips For New Coders
Published 7 October 2022 in archive with tags beginners , programming , hacktoberfest , codenewbie I've been reading and writing code since the year 2000. Before we had Stack Overflow and Codeacademy, we had two real resources for learning: giant dusty tomes filled with scraps of paper, and websites like PlanetSourceCode where you could download zips of entire projects. Continue reading …Slack Notifications with GitHub Actions
Published 14 August 2020 in archive with tags actionshackathon , slack , github , actions When I first started working with GitHub about a month ago, there were already quite a few Slack notification actions available, but I found each to either be cumbersome to use, or lacking what seemed like simple features such as status based messages. Continue reading …Notes on Remote Working
Published 27 March 2020 in archive with tags career , life , leadership So with the ongoing global crisis, a lot of governments and organisations are recommending that people, if they can, work from home. We're seeing memes flying around, new jokes being created, and also quite a few questions from people who haven't really worked remotely before. Continue reading …Setup your own persistent web IRC client
Published 16 March 2020 in archive with tags tutorial , beginners , social , docker These days, Slack is all the rage, but in years gone by, whenever facing world-changing events, IRC has been the place to hangout. These days, you don't seem to hear much about it, and when you try and introduce people to it, the old and somewhat dated clients are hard to sell. Continue reading …Sorting objects with undefined values
Published 12 March 2020 in archive with tags javascript , weird So take a look at this: Continue reading …Newer Page 1 of 41 Older