Adam K Dean

Slack Notifications with GitHub Actions

Published on 14 August 2020 at 09:30 by Adam

My Workflow

When I first started working with GitHub about a month ago, there were already quite a few Slack notification actions available, but I found each to either be cumbersome to use, or lacking what seemed like simple features such as status based messages.

So I created adamkdean/simple-slack-notify to try and address those issues, and this post will show you how to use it.

The main features are:

  • As simple or complex as you need it to be
  • Status based messages meaning one step handles job successes, failures, and cancellations
  • JavaScript strings for embedding environment variables or custom logic into notification strings
  • Easy to add fields based on standard Slack JSON inputs

Example usage

The simplest use would consist of relying on the webhook's defaults and simply providing some text.

- name: Simple notification
  uses: adamkdean/simple-slack-notify@master
    text: 'This is the simplest notification'

Overriding the channel is sometimes needed, such as to separate out builds, deployments, and alerts perhaps.

- name: Channel specific notification
  uses: adamkdean/simple-slack-notify@master
    channel: '#alerts'
    text: 'Something is happening and someone should probably panic'

The above works well, but what would really make someone panic is if we make the alert red, right?

You can use danger, warning, good, or a hex code such as #d90000.

- name: Panic inducing notification
  uses: adamkdean/simple-slack-notify@master
    channel: '#alerts'
    text: 'Something is happening and someone should probably panic'
    color: 'danger'

Perhaps you also want to change the username?

- name: Panic Bot notification
  uses: adamkdean/simple-slack-notify@master
    channel: '#alerts'
    username: 'Panic Bot'
    text: 'Something is happening and someone should probably panic'
    color: 'danger'

The action also supports fields, but due to the limitations of GitHub actions only passing in inputs as strings, we can't use yaml arrays. So, this is how you'd specify a field:

- name: Specifying what to panic about notification
  uses: adamkdean/simple-slack-notify@master
    channel: '#alerts'
    username: 'Panic Bot'
    text: 'Something is happening and someone should probably panic'
    color: 'danger'
    fields: |
      [{ "title": "Reason to panic", "value": "Deployed failed halfway through" }]

If there were multiple reasons to panic, you'd add more objects to the fields array:

- name: Specifying what to panic about notification
  uses: adamkdean/simple-slack-notify@master
    channel: '#alerts'
    username: 'Panic Bot'
    text: 'Something is happening and someone should probably panic'
    color: 'danger'
    fields: |
      [{ "title": "Reason to panic", "value": "Deployed failed halfway through", "short": true },
       { "title": "Timestamp", "value": "${}", "short": true }]

Did you notice that some JavaScript snook in? Input strings are evaluated as a JavaScript strings, which means you can put environment variables into your messages, such as the GITHUB_WORKFLOW variable or GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER etc. The environment is stored within the env variable so to access environment variables in your strings, you simply use ${env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY} etc. Here's an example:

- name: Environment variable notification
  uses: adamkdean/simple-slack-notify@master
    channel: '#example'
    text: '${env.GITHUB_WORKFLOW} (${env.GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER}) has finished'
    fields: |
      [{ "title": "Repository", "value": "${env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY}", "short": true },
       { "title": "Branch", "value": "${env.BRANCH}", "short": true }]

Now, each job has a status, which can be success, failed, or cancelled. Most other notification plugins use multiple blocks with if: success() and if: failed() etc but we don't need to do that. We can simply pass in the status and set status specific text. We use if: always() so that it runs regardless of whether the job is successful or not.

- name: Build notification
  if: always()
  uses: adamkdean/simple-slack-notify@master
    channel: '#builds'
    status: ${{ job.status }}
    success_text: '${env.GITHUB_WORKFLOW} (${env.GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER}) build completed successfully'
    failure_text: '${env.GITHUB_WORKFLOW} (${env.GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER}) build failed'
    cancelled_text: '${env.GITHUB_WORKFLOW} (${env.GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER}) build was cancelled'
    fields: |
      [{ "title": "Repository", "value": "${env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY}", "short": true },
       { "title": "Branch", "value": "${env.BRANCH}", "short": true }]

Below I show how I'm using this in an actual build & deployment workflow.

Submission Category:

  • Maintainer Must-Haves

The following example Yaml file shows adamkdean/simple-slack-notify being integrated into a build & deploy pipeline.

name: Build & Deploy
on: push
    name: Build
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Build project
      uses: appleboy/ssh-action@master
        host: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_HOST }}
        username: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_USER }}
        key: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_SSH_KEY }}
        port: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_PORT }}
        script_stop: true
        script: |
          # Your build commands here

    - name: Build notification
      if: always()
      uses: adamkdean/simple-slack-notify@master
        channel: '#builds'
        status: ${{ job.status }}
        success_text: 'Build (#${env.GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER}) completed successfully'
        failure_text: 'Build (#${env.GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER}) failed'
        cancelled_text: 'Build (#${env.GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER}) was cancelled'
        fields: |
          [{ "title": "Action URL", "value": "${env.GITHUB_SERVER_URL}/${env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/actions/runs/${env.GITHUB_RUN_ID}"}]

    name: Deploy
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: build
    - name: Deploy project
      uses: appleboy/ssh-action@master
        host: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_HOST }}
        username: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_USER }}
        key: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_SSH_KEY }}
        port: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_PORT }}
        script_stop: true
        script: |
          # Your deploy commands here

    - name: Deploy notification
      if: always()
      uses: adamkdean/simple-slack-notify@master
        channel: '#deployments'
        status: ${{ job.status }}
        success_text: 'Deployment (#${env.GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER}) completed successfully'
        failure_text: 'Deployment (#${env.GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER}) failed'
        cancelled_text: 'Deployment (#${env.GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER}) was cancelled'
        fields: |
          [{ "title": "Host", "value": "${{ secrets.DEPLOY_HOST }}"},
           { "title": "Action URL", "value": "${env.GITHUB_SERVER_URL}/${env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/actions/runs/${env.GITHUB_RUN_ID}"}]

Additional Resources / Info

{% github adamkdean/simple-slack-notify %}


I just wanted to point out for anyone new to GitHub Actions that while above I'm referring to the master branch (i.e. adamkdean/simple-slack-notify@master), if you're using this in production, it's always wiser to use a version. As of writing, the latest version is 1.0.4 so we would use adamkdean/simple-slack-notify@1.0.4.

This post was first published on 14 August 2020 at 09:30. It was filed under archive with tags actionshackathon, slack, github, actions.