Adam K Dean

Posts tagged with csharp

Passing extended DbContext class but instantiating the base

Published 14 February 2013 in archive with tags csharp , entityframework , easyauth Whilst working on EasyAuth I came across a slight issue, how do I use Entity for the user storage while still allowing the programmer to use their entity classes. I thought, maybe they should be able to extend the EasyAuth DbContext and just pass back their custom version, which EntityUserStore could then use for the storage. Continue reading …

Compile C# into assembly, then load it and execute it

Published 9 January 2012 in archive with tags csharp , codedom , reflection This is one way I have found that I can compile code at runtime into a DLL file, then load it and call it. Continue reading …

XNA An Example Object using VariableService

Published 26 August 2011 in archive with tags csharp , xna , gamedev Just a quick example of how you'd lay out an object class, which you could use for items like game objects, the player object, anything that you need to update and draw independently. Continue reading …

XNA IScreen code

Published 26 August 2011 in archive with tags csharp , xna , gamedev I have been doing some XNA, and in order to utilise some sort of game screen system without using a Microsoft version, I've created this. Some parts have been borrowed from the internet, such as ServiceExtensionMethods, but it works very well. Continue reading …

Cycling through a list, one step at a time

Published 29 December 2010 in archive with tags csharp , collections So the project I am currently working on will have a list of servers (nodes) stored in a generic list (for now), and the node controller will need to cycle through these and send out a request to each one before getting back to the original one. This way, the load can be balanced out among the various nodes. Continue reading …

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