Adam K Dean

Posts tagged with docker

UFW, Ubuntu, OpenVPN, and Docker

Published 6 April 2015 in archive with tags docker , ufw , openvpn , iptables Today I've been playing with UFW, Ubuntu, OpenVPN, and Docker. A few other things as well but this post relates to those technologies, mainly UFW, Ubuntu, and Docker. Continue reading …

Get container ID from within container

Published 5 April 2015 in archive with tags docker , shell , linux To get the container ID from within a container, use this: Continue reading …

boot2docker DNS not working

Published 4 August 2014 in archive with tags docker , boot2docker , osx If you're using Docker on OSX, then you'll be using a VM to run your Docker service on, as it needs Linux, not Unix. The most popular of these seems to be boot2docker, though dvm also seems to be quite popular. Other solutions are available. Continue reading …

Example Dockerfile

Published 10 June 2014 in archive with tags docker , dockerfile , nginx Here is an example Dockerfile. It installs nginx and adds /src to the wwwroot. Make sure that the files are 755. Continue reading …

Access Docker host from container

Published 10 June 2014 in archive with tags docker , ubuntu Docker 1.0 has just been announced, and one thing I was looking forward to was the introspection API which Solomon Hykes said was coming in 1.0. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it has. This is a shame because it would allow the container to communicate with the host in a scoped and controlled manner. Continue reading …

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