Adam K Dean

Posts in archive

Does it take long to get a basic understanding of programming?

Published 11 April 2013 in archive with tags programming Reddit user HONEY_THIGHS asked a very good question today, and I'd like to answer it a little more practically. Continue reading …

Automatically prefix vendor description to Shopify products

Published 8 April 2013 in archive with tags liquid , shopify I'm currently working on modifying a site that uses Shopify -- a great online e-commerce platform -- and have found that while at first the system seems a little restrictive, it is actually quite malleable once you get the hang of things. It's a bit hack n slash but with the right hacks, and a couple of slashes, it can actually work pretty well. Continue reading …

XNA style Game class with Python/Pygame

Published 26 March 2013 in archive with tags python , pygames , gamedev XNA/MonoGame are great. You have such a wealth of classes at your disposable. There have been some great games made with it; Terraria and Magicka among them. But when you just want to visualise something that you're coding, well, it just seems too much effort. Continue reading …

Unable to load DLL 'openal32.dll' The specified module could not be found.

Published 25 March 2013 in archive with tags monogame , openal This appears to be a common problem encountered after having just installed MonoGame. Continue reading …

Circle primitive class for XNA/MonoGame

Published 24 March 2013 in archive with tags csharp , xna , monogame , gamedev I've just been playing a little with XNA (or MonoGame as it's called these days) and needed to draw circles. If you've used XNA then you'll know that nothing like that is provided for you. Drawing circles isn't too difficult really, they're basically just lots of little lines at different angles. Continue reading …

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