Adam K Dean

Posts in archive

FizzBuzz? More than one line doesn't count!

Published 21 March 2013 in archive with tags fizzbuzz , csharp Just doing research over at r/cscareerquestions when I stumbled upon a thread about FizzBuzz. Continue reading …

Using caller information for verbose logging

Published 21 March 2013 in archive with tags csharp , compilerservices , diagnostics A cool feature that has been added in Visual Studio 2012 and C# 5.0 is Caller Information attributes. Basically it allows you to see where your method was called from without having to sift through stack traces upon stack traces. Continue reading …

Happy Birthday - programmer style.

Published 13 March 2013 in archive with tags random , csharp Today I decided to wish my good friend @Farkie happy birthday: programmer style. Continue reading …

Keep focus on an input with jQuery

Published 12 March 2013 in archive with tags jquery , javascript The most hair-loss-inducing problems usually have the simplest solutions, and such can be said for my latest shortcut to male pattern baldness. Continue reading …

Save nanoseconds with a quicker Enum.HasFlag

Published 11 March 2013 in archive with tags csharp , bitwise , enum , performance One of the easiest ways to manage security flags is to have an Enum and use bitwise comparisons, however you would expect .NET to make things a bit easier for you, afterall who wants to start littering the code with bitwise expressions? Continue reading …

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