Adam K Dean

Posts in archive

Quickly and easily upload files with FtpWebRequest

Published 8 March 2013 in archive with tags ftp , ftpwebrequest , csharp I've just been migrating the systems at work to a new host and it's mostly .NET 2.0 stuff, among the lot is some code which uploads images to a server, which for some strange reason has decided to stop working after 3 years and start uploading gobbledygook instead. Continue reading …

Set preferred domain for Google Webmaster Tools

Published 6 March 2013 in archive with tags google , webmastertools Adding this website to Google Webmaster Tools just presented me with a small but annoying problem of not being able to set the preferred domain to contain www. rather than just I received an error message, but no instruction on how to do so: Continue reading …

EasyAuth now available via NuGet

Published 5 March 2013 in archive with tags easyauth , aspnetmvc , nuget , csharp Now that my new website is live and all working, I've had a bit of time to put EasyAuth on NuGet so everyone/anyone can use it and also so that I can more easily work with projects that do use it (namely this website). Continue reading …

Zen Coding for Visual Studio 2012 via Web Essentials 2012

Published 3 March 2013 in archive with tags visualstudio11 Something I have come across whilst building this new blog/website is yet another extension that among many others, contains a Zen Coding feature. Continue reading …

Passing extended DbContext class but instantiating the base

Published 14 February 2013 in archive with tags csharp , entityframework , easyauth Whilst working on EasyAuth I came across a slight issue, how do I use Entity for the user storage while still allowing the programmer to use their entity classes. I thought, maybe they should be able to extend the EasyAuth DbContext and just pass back their custom version, which EntityUserStore could then use for the storage. Continue reading …

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