Adam K Dean

Fibonacci Numbers & The Golden Ratio

Published on 26 October 2010 at 22:45 by Adam

So here I am doing some designs when I think, hmm, maybe I will use the golden ratio to lay out the design, Fibonacci's Spiral and what not, but the amount of tedious workings out.. (having to use a pencil..tedious...physical movement you see..) so I wrote a script. I don't really like using C# for scripts, being it isn't a script but.. sometimes you just want something like putty in your hands to quickly test a hypothesis or whatnot, and PHP is great for that. Big project, ASP.NET but a little versatile albeit-unable-to-really-report-errors-very-well scripting language, PHP is the don.

So, Fibonacci's numbers, very nice and easy to do:


$numbers[] = 0;
$numbers[] = 1;

$a = 0;
$b = 1;

for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
 $c = $a + $b;
 $a = $b;
 $b = $c;

 $numbers[] = $c;

// output
foreach($numbers as $n) echo "$n, ";


and then for the golden ratio, a slightly bigger script.



$width = 1024;
$height = 768;

$phi = 0.6180339887;

$boxes[] = array($width, $height);

for($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++)
    $w = round($boxes[$i - 1][0] * $phi, 4);
    $h = round($boxes[$i - 1][1] * $phi, 4);
    $boxes[] = array($w, $h);

echo "<pre>";
for($i = 0; $i < count($boxes); $i++)
    $box = $boxes[$i];
    $w = sprintf("%-10s", $box[0]);
    $h = sprintf("%-10s", $box[1]);

    echo "W: $w H: $h "; 
    if ($i > 0)
        $pbox = $boxes[$i - 1];
        $tw = sprintf("%-10s", $box[0] + $pbox[0]);
        $th = sprintf("%-10s", $box[1] + $pbox[1]);
        echo "TW: $tw TH: $th";
    echo "\r\n";
echo "</pre>";


You'll see I supply three variables, the initial width, height and then phi, which shouldn't really need to change. This script gives us a nice output, which works out the desired width and height for each new box, allowing you to quickly code that, rather than working it out and all that..tedious work..

W: 1024       H: 768        
W: 632.8668   H: 474.6501   TW: 1656.8668  TH: 1242.6501 
W: 391.1332   H: 293.3499   TW: 1024       TH: 768       
W: 241.7336   H: 181.3002   TW: 632.8668   TH: 474.6501  
W: 149.3996   H: 112.0497   TW: 391.1332   TH: 293.3499  
W: 92.334     H: 69.2505    TW: 241.7336   TH: 181.3002  
W: 57.0656    H: 42.7992    TW: 149.3996   TH: 112.0497  
W: 35.2685    H: 26.4514    TW: 92.3341    TH: 69.2506   
W: 21.7971    H: 16.3479    TW: 57.0656    TH: 42.7993   
W: 13.4713    H: 10.1036    TW: 35.2684    TH: 26.4515 

Simples, simply take your new width and height (W & H) and check the values add up (TW & TH add up the current and the previous width and height), and you're set.


This post was first published on 26 October 2010 at 22:45. It was filed under archive with tags php, fibonacci.