Adam K Dean

Git workflow scripts

Published on 11 July 2013 at 15:37 by Adam

The following are a couple of general purpose scripts which will help you to work quicker with Git. Put these in your bin folder, so either /home/user/bin or C:\Users\Username\bin depending on your OS. Remember if it's nix, chmod +x them.

ga - Git add script:

git add -A

gs - Git status script:

git status

gpull - Git pull script (origin master):

git pull origin master

gpush - Git push script (origin master):

git push origin master

gc - Git commit script:

read -p "Commit msg: " desc
git commit -m "$desc"

gfull - Git add, status, commit (with msg) and push (origin master) script.

git add -A
git status
read -p "Commit msg: " desc
git commit -m "$desc"
git push origin master

I may post more if I come up with anything more intricate, but for now, these can save a lot of time.

If you have any scripts you use often, be sure to share them!

This post was first published on 11 July 2013 at 15:37. It was filed under archive with tags productivity, bash, git.