Adam K Dean


Encapsulating console.log with spread operator

Published 4 November 2015 in archive with tags javascript , es2015 , es6 ES6 or ES2015 contains lots of goodies. One of them, my favourite, is the spread operator. It "allows an expression to be expanded in places where multiple arguments (for function calls) or multiple elements (for array literals) are expected." Continue reading …

Determine volume location on Docker host

Published 3 November 2015 in archive with tags docker , jenkins Yesterday I was having an issue that I've had before. It stumped me last time and it stumped me again. I just didn't think and it cost me too much time. Continue reading …

Check if temp table exists in SQL

Published 14 October 2015 in archive with tags sql I'm going to start posting some SQL snippets, either things I learn day to day or things that I've had sat around for years. Continue reading …

Reclaim your inodes by deleting dangling docker volumes

Published 8 September 2015 in archive with tags docker , linux , bash Note: these days, you can simply use docker volume prune, but this is being posted for posterity. This was an issue which caused lots of problems back in 2015, and determining ways of managing inode usage helped a number of platforms including Shopify, who took containerisation to a new level. Continue reading …

Add notices to auto-generated files with gulp

Published 25 August 2015 in archive with tags npm , node , gulp I wrote a little tool today to pop into my gulp workflow which writes some text to the top of files processed by gulp. The problem I find is that quite often you can be working on a project with source files and generated files (e.g. jsx -> js) and accidentally edit the wrong file, only for your changes to be overwritten. Continue reading …

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