Adam K Dean

Posts tagged with sql

Check if temp table exists in SQL

Published 14 October 2015 in archive with tags sql I'm going to start posting some SQL snippets, either things I learn day to day or things that I've had sat around for years. Continue reading …

Check if type exists in MSSQL

Published 27 March 2014 in archive with tags sql , mssql , snippet Snippet time. Check if a type exists in MSSQL with the following simple query: Continue reading …

Find column from all tables

Published 18 February 2014 in archive with tags sql A very useful SQL snippet today, courtesy of Danny Dawes and SQLAuthority. Continue reading …

MySQL Global Vars wait_timeout & max_connections

Published 22 November 2011 in archive with tags sql Just some more code for me to bookmark. Problem was the MySQL connections were not being closed, the timeout was set at 8 hours and the connection limit was 400. Continue reading …

MySQL Relationships & Foreign Keys

Published 21 November 2011 in archive with tags sql Just another snippet of code that I will forget... Continue reading …

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