Adam K Dean

Posts tagged with sql

MySql Version "Correlated Sub-Queries and Group By Unions"

Published 20 January 2011 in archive with tags sql If you look at this SQL article [old link removed], you may either be impressed or insult me for bad coding practise. FYI, it does run on 1000 rows in < 1 second. When I was using MsSql (before I migrated to CentOS/Mono/MySql) I sometimes had to go to extortionate amounts of effort to get stuff done, but with MySql it all seems, a bit too easy.. So from the giant SQL that you saw in the previous article, I can do all that on the same tables (bar one change) with the following SQL: Continue reading …

SQL Correlated Sub-Queries and Group By Unions

Published 6 January 2011 in archive with tags sql Whilst working on my new uptime and latency monitoring project, I've ran into more than the usual amount of SQL conundrums, and I am learning a lot by having higher than normal requirements. To call yourself a programmer, I think you have to at least have basic SQL skills. They are your basic math skills for normal people, every coder should understand select, insert, update and delete.. and for a long time I was one of them, I hated SQL because I didn't understand it, or didn't want to.. but needing it, and needing it to do advanced things, means you need to learn, and it truly saves you time when you can cut out so much coding by offloading onto SQL! Continue reading …

SQL Get most recent records with group by

Published 1 January 2011 in archive with tags sql The following is awesome SQL. I will right now tell you, I don't like SQL. I admire it, but I don't like it. So SQL is a bit like Alan Sugar in that respect. But what I had to do, or well, what I've just done, is something very important and vital to making my medium-secret project more efficient. Continue reading …

SQL INSERT with WHERE clause

Published 14 October 2010 in archive with tags sql So here I am, again, resigned to having to deal with SQL. I don't like SQL and it doesn't like me. One of the main reasons is because when I put a nicely formatted piece of code into Management Studio, it mangles it and disfigures it horribly as if saying "not only does this SQL not work but I have chewed it up and spat it back out at you." Continue reading …

Get Average using SQL

Published 15 September 2010 in archive with tags sql More SQL again today, to say I'm not a fan, I'm doing a lot of it lately. Continue reading …

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