Adam K Dean

Posts tagged with css

Image Resolutions in CSS

Published 5 March 2020 in archive with tags css , design , webdev This week's post will be a short one. The idea came about while offering suggestions for a dear friend's blog, mostly around typography and space. It's funny, I found it hard to describe typography with words, the irony, but while making suggestions and tweaking the layout, I had an idea. Continue reading …

Changing text selection colours

Published 4 March 2014 in archive with tags css A nice little trick to add a bit of polish to your site is changing the colour of text selection. Stockapps Blog have a nice orange colour, and of course, Si Digital have their well known Fuchsia highlighting. Continue reading …

Circular images with CSS

Published 19 December 2013 in archive with tags css A trend which, while it has been around for a while, seems to be showing up more and more these days is circular images. These are quite easy to do using border-radius, and below you can see how. You can either use a background-image in CSS, or add the border-radius to an img tag, which I prefer. Continue reading …

Override selection style with CSS

Published 30 July 2013 in archive with tags css , design You may have noticed that certain designs, such as the amazing SI Digital website, have a custom style for the selection of text. When used properly, to match your designs main colour for example, this can give a really nice and polished feel. Continue reading …

Natural box layout model

Published 15 July 2013 in archive with tags css Unfortunately, browsers do not always implement the default CSS rules that we would like. One rule which should almost definitely be added to every browser ever is the following, applying border-box box-sizing to, well, everything. Continue reading …

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