Adam K Dean

Posts tagged with gamedev

Import content using MonoGame & XNA

Published 13 April 2014 in archive with tags gamedev , monogame , xna , csharp So I knew this was coming. I knew there would be issues with the content pipeline, long lost roots reaching back down into the abyss of XNA and unmaintained Microsoft projects. Game development is all about challenges. It's the reason I love it. Everything pushes you to the limit; mentally, physically, emotionally. Continue reading …

Alternative to Game Screen Management - An Example

Published 26 August 2011 in archive with tags gamedev , xna , csharp So just to give you an example of how clean you can make your code, let us look at a very simple menu screen, which simply asks for any key to be pressed. As you can see, it's -very- clean. Continue reading …

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