Adam K Dean

Posts tagged with git

Remove branch from remote git repo

Published 4 August 2014 in archive with tags git To remove a branch from a remote git repository, you have to push an empty branch. Continue reading …

Remove all tags from git repo

Published 6 March 2014 in archive with tags git I had started to tag builds with a branch name and date, but after a while, these started to make the log unreadable. It was time to Arnold Schwarzenegger-ize them. Continue reading …

Counting commits with Git

Published 10 February 2014 in archive with tags git To count commits on a branch, you can use git rev-list. Continue reading …

Using exclamation marks in commit messages!

Published 27 January 2014 in archive with tags git If you've ever been particularly excited by a recent packet of work you've done, and tried to show your excitement by putting an exclamation mark into the commit message, then you may have been met with this particular error: Continue reading …

Change filename case in git

Published 20 January 2014 in archive with tags git Git is case-insensitive. So to change filename case in git, you have to jump through a (small) hoop. Continue reading …

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