Adam K Dean

Posts tagged with git

Rewriting History in Git

Published 21 January 2020 in archive with tags git , scm Sometimes, there may be situations where you or a colleague of yours is in a rush, perhaps something bad happened in production and a quick patch is needed, or, in the case of a few days ago, a couple of syntax errors brought a halt to a few monitoring services. Continue reading …

List all files changed in last commit

Published 8 February 2016 in archive with tags git , snippet List all files changed in the last commit by using git diff-tree on HEAD. Continue reading …

Useful git aliases

Published 31 July 2015 in archive with tags git I've been so busy recently that this blog has been neglected. I'm planning on fixing some design quirks and adding in some archiving, maybe even giving it a biy of a face lift so it's not so drab. Something I don't want to happen is to have empty months when it comes to my archive so today is the last day of July and I'll show you what aliases I have in my git config. Continue reading …

How to replace master branch in git, entirely, from another branch?

Published 6 October 2014 in archive with tags git If you want to completely replace a branch by merging over another, the follow trick will help you, as it has helped me: Continue reading …

Remove .DS_Store from git repository

Published 5 August 2014 in archive with tags git , osx , dsstore The following will help you remove .DS_Store from your git repository. Continue reading …

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