Adam K Dean

Posts tagged with linux

Set cwd to script directory

Published 22 January 2020 in archive with tags linux , bash , shell Perhaps this will be the smallest snippet I've ever posted, and yet, one of the most useful. If you have a script that you want to be able to invoke from anywhere and yet not worry about relative paths, use this. Continue reading …

Remove all Docker containers

Published 5 June 2014 in archive with tags linux , docker After working with Docker for only a few hours, I now have more old containers than I have fingers. Continue reading …

Error file '/grub/i386-pc/normal.mod' not found in Ubuntu 13.10

Published 1 June 2014 in archive with tags linux , grub , i386 , efi As I'm working less and less with the Microsoft stack and more and more with the Node stack, I decided it would be a good idea to develop on Linux. Ubuntu is the choice at work so to keep it consistent, I thought I'd try it at home. 14.04 LTS had some quirky bugs so I installed 13.10 to some space I made. Continue reading …

Install Docker on Ubuntu

Published 28 May 2014 in archive with tags linux , docker , ubuntu To install Docker on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, run the following commands: Continue reading …

Creating empty files with specific sizes

Published 7 February 2014 in archive with tags linux , dd , fsutil , windows Note from the future (Feb 3rd, 2020): just remember that DD stands for disk destroyer. Be careful using it, and never copypaste dd excerpts from the internet. Be safe. Continue reading …

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