Adam K Dean

Posts tagged with npm

Add notices to auto-generated files with gulp

Published 25 August 2015 in archive with tags npm , node , gulp I wrote a little tool today to pop into my gulp workflow which writes some text to the top of files processed by gulp. The problem I find is that quite often you can be working on a project with source files and generated files (e.g. jsx -> js) and accidentally edit the wrong file, only for your changes to be overwritten. Continue reading …

Koa middleware for serving static files

Published 12 August 2015 in archive with tags npm , node , koa Quite often I find myself using the same snippet of code over and over in projects for serving up static files as part of projects that use Koa. Today I exceeded my limit for copy pasting, so I've bundled this together into a module called koa-serve. Continue reading …

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