Adam K Dean

Posts in archive

Excel SUM/COUNT based on background colour

Published 24 July 2013 in archive with tags excel , vba Today I have had to use VB. It's been seven or eight years since I last touched it, and today it's only to briefly complete a solution in Excel. I miss my curly braces. Continue reading …

Natural box layout model

Published 15 July 2013 in archive with tags css Unfortunately, browsers do not always implement the default CSS rules that we would like. One rule which should almost definitely be added to every browser ever is the following, applying border-box box-sizing to, well, everything. Continue reading …

Git workflow scripts

Published 11 July 2013 in archive with tags productivity , bash , git The following are a couple of general purpose scripts which will help you to work quicker with Git. Put these in your bin folder, so either /home/user/bin or C:\Users\Username\bin depending on your OS. Remember if it's nix, chmod +x them. Continue reading …

Fix jagged fonts in Chrome/WebKit

Published 10 July 2013 in archive with tags webkit , chrome , css Just a quick post today, more of a reminder for myself than anything. The following is a great way to fix jagged fonts when using font kits with Chrome/WebKit based browsers. Continue reading …

Easily bypass Same Origin Policy

Published 3 July 2013 in archive with tags jquery , javascript , ajax , json If you've ever tried to use AJAX or an iFrame to load another website in javascript and been unable to, it will have been because of the Same Origin Policy. To quote Wikipedia: Continue reading …

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