Adam K Dean

Posts in archive

Koa middleware for serving static files

Published 12 August 2015 in archive with tags npm , node , koa Quite often I find myself using the same snippet of code over and over in projects for serving up static files as part of projects that use Koa. Today I exceeded my limit for copy pasting, so I've bundled this together into a module called koa-serve. Continue reading …

Node.js IsDirectory

Published 12 August 2015 in archive with tags node , snippet Here's a useful snippet for checking if a path is a directory in Node.js, this obviously requires('fs'). Continue reading …

Useful git aliases

Published 31 July 2015 in archive with tags git I've been so busy recently that this blog has been neglected. I'm planning on fixing some design quirks and adding in some archiving, maybe even giving it a biy of a face lift so it's not so drab. Something I don't want to happen is to have empty months when it comes to my archive so today is the last day of July and I'll show you what aliases I have in my git config. Continue reading …

Copying files from one container to another

Published 7 June 2015 in archive with tags docker , linux , osx This only works on OS X as I'm using pbcopy and pbpaste. You may replace these as you see fit. Also I'm using superdocker here, you can swap that for docker if you like, it makes no difference. Continue reading …

Share directories between two containers

Published 1 June 2015 in archive with tags docker , linux Originally posted on June 1st, 2015 (more info) Continue reading …

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