Adam K Dean


Import content using MonoGame & XNA

Published 13 April 2014 in archive with tags gamedev , monogame , xna , csharp So I knew this was coming. I knew there would be issues with the content pipeline, long lost roots reaching back down into the abyss of XNA and unmaintained Microsoft projects. Game development is all about challenges. It's the reason I love it. Everything pushes you to the limit; mentally, physically, emotionally. Continue reading …

Check if type exists in MSSQL

Published 27 March 2014 in archive with tags sql , mssql , snippet Snippet time. Check if a type exists in MSSQL with the following simple query: Continue reading …

Ordering and filtering objects with ng-repeat

Published 26 March 2014 in archive with tags angular , javascript AngularJS allows you to iterate over collections using the ng-repeat directive. You have the ability to order and filter the collection, but this only works for arrays, not for objects. You'd think that you'd retain the functionality of arrays, considering the object is treated like one, but you don't. Continue reading …

Giving the bookmarklet a favicon

Published 13 March 2014 in archive with tags chrome , squirtio Today I learnt about, an open-source Spritz-like bookmarklet which helps you speed read the internet. From 250 words per minute all the way upto 950 words per minute. A bookmarklet is a javascript snippet which sits inside a bookmark on your "favourites bar", and allows you to execute that script on whichever website you're currently on. Continue reading …

Make Google look good again

Published 12 March 2014 in archive with tags chrome If you're like me, you're probably feeling like your Wednesday has been ruined by Google testing bigger, none underlined titles for page results. It looks horrible, and is definitely a bad decision. Continue reading …

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