Adam K Dean


MySql Version "Correlated Sub-Queries and Group By Unions"

Published 20 January 2011 in archive with tags sql If you look at this SQL article [old link removed], you may either be impressed or insult me for bad coding practise. FYI, it does run on 1000 rows in < 1 second. When I was using MsSql (before I migrated to CentOS/Mono/MySql) I sometimes had to go to extortionate amounts of effort to get stuff done, but with MySql it all seems, a bit too easy.. So from the giant SQL that you saw in the previous article, I can do all that on the same tables (bar one change) with the following SQL: Continue reading …

New String.Format for C - strrep2

Published 14 January 2011 in archive with tags c Following on from the problems I had with my previous string.format C function, I decided to rewrite it today under heavy valgrind observation. Continue reading …

Uri to Hostname in C (GNU-C99)

Published 13 January 2011 in archive with tags c Another C function which works quite well and has no bugs that I know of yet... Continue reading …

Fixed String.Format in C (GNU-C99)

Published 12 January 2011 in archive with tags c I have fixed my strrep string replace function, for now, as there was a bug with using atoi. Continue reading …

C# Int.ToString().Length in C

Published 11 January 2011 in archive with tags c Another little helper function here, it counts how long the int would be if it was a string, just the same as doing Int.ToString().Length in C#. Continue reading …

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